What we do.............
New Zealand has the highest melanoma rates in the world. In response, we have been producing lightweight, wearable, electronic UV dosimeters for skin cancer prevention and vitamin D research since 2005 with the latest versions used to measure personal UV exposures in skin cancer prevention studies around the world including in Australia, South Africa, USA, Europe, and the UK.
Prof. Myles Cockburn (Denver) and Dr Kimberly Miller (USC) have also developed a UV Dosimetry Lab to improve the effectiveness of SunSmart Education Programmes in Southern Californian Schools where these dosimeters are used to provide students with a direct "hands-on" experience about the nature of UV radiation.
In 2018 Dr Alana Hyland (University of Canterbury) designed "Kara the Chameleon" as a vehicle for primary skin cancer prevention programmes in New Zealand primary schools.
If you would like to work with us or use our dosimeters for your research then please just get in contact (email: martin.allen@canterbury.ac.nz)